We’re no different than they are…

We’re gawddamn ‘mericans! We’re superior in every way to all them rice-eatin’, turban-wearin’, pinko-commie, slant-eyed, drum-bangin’, loincloth-clad, non-Christian bastards, ain’t we? Not really. Reichsführer Bush and his minion keep moving us closer and closer to the very things they think they’re fighting against:

  • Increasing infiltration of the administration with right-wing religious fanatics (Ashcroft was a prime example) makes our government look more and more like Middle-Eastern countries led by religious figures: intolerant, oppressive, close-minded, and dangerous
  • Growing centralization of media outlets and government control of news (especially regarding the war-that-isn’t-a-war) moves us closer to state-run TV/radio as in the “Axis of Evil” countries
  • Ever-increasing divide between the haves and have-nots causes growing tension, discord, and lack of unity as a nation
  • Government-sponsored and promoted religious dogma (anti-abortion laws, discrimination against homosexuals, prayer in schools (but only to the right God), promotion of religious icons (e.g. 10 Commandments), teaching creationism) turns our citizens against each other and the world

What I’m trying to say is that every day we look more and more like the rabid fundamentalists of which we’re most afraid! Besides surface factors like skin color and dress, you can’t tell the difference between Karim in Fallujah and Jim in Kansas City. Both can’t use logic, and refuse to even entertain the possibility that their God might be the same God that the other guy prays to. Both think the other a barbarian. Both have such limited mental facilities that empathy is beyond them, and the death and suffering of people in another country is cause for joy to them. Both interpret their religious texts to suit their purposes, and conveniently overlook the parts that decry their actions. Both are as far separated from God and God’s purposes as heaven and hell (or at least as far as they would be if you were into a literal interpretation of those realms. I personally think the Constantine theological view is pretty simplistic, even though I am just a simple cave-man.)

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