Norris. Beck. Palin. Traitors.

I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, we’ve all seen incredible hypocrisy over the past eight years under B*sh. Accusations of unpatriotic behavior while the Constitution was shredded, attempts to marginalize the Legislative and Judicial branches of government while complaining about an “obstructionist” Congress, a rush to “Christianize” our government while implementing a social policy that was as anti-Christian as anything imaginable, etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The Republican party of today doesn’t traffic in silly things like logic, common sense, and reason. Their chief weapons are fear, surprise, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope – but not ruthless efficiency…

Yet I was still surprised to read the drivel spewn by has-been Chuck Norris. If you can get through this half-assed screed without gagging, you’ll read Chuck’s rationale about why it’s okay for the state of Texas to secede from the U.S. if “the going got rough in America.” The intellectually-challenged turncoat got the inspiration for his traitorous writings from an interview he did with Faux News’ Glenn Beck, another Nazi sympathizer. Beck asked Norris a self-answered rhetorical question about from whence a rebellion would come. Norris agreed wholeheartedly that Texas was the place. He says,

I’m not saying that other states won’t muster the gumption to stand and secede, but Texas has the history to prove it.

These morons – Beck and Norris – actually advocate for another Civil War! I cannot fathom the mindset that generates this garbage. This is the same crowd that crowed “Not a patriot!” from every rooftop when anyone dared to question why we were going into or staying in Iraq. And now they openly push sedition.

But Norris and Beck aren’t the only unpatriotic crazies; in fact, we just had a Vice-Presidential candidate – I know, it’s still hard to believe that the Repubs were really that stupid – and her husband that supported secession! Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, even though the records on this have been expunged, and as recently as 2008 addressed the AIP, where she “shares your party’s vision of upholding the Constitution of our great state.” The AIP’s main goal is to turn Alaska into their own country, where they’re free to rape the environment, homeschool their kids (not kidding! check out their web site!), carry guns wherever, and in general not let nobody tell them nothing no-how. The AIP reveres their wise and benign founder, Joe Vogler, who once said:

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. … and I won’t be buried under their damn flag.

What a patriot. The great “snow machine” racer Todd Palin was a registered member of the AIP from 1995 to 2002, and while Sarah now says she was never a member, the chairman of the AIP told ABC News – before retracting her statement – that both Sarah and Todd were members in 1994.

Secessionists love to claim that there’s nothing in the U.S. Constitution that expressly forbids seceding. Multiple Constitutional law types – which I do not claim to be, but am still allowed to reference – have put this to rest over the years following the Civil War, but none perhaps so definitively as contained in the SCOTUS ruling in Texas v. White (a lawsuit arising out of the Civil War), wherein it states:

Considered as transactions under the Constitution, the ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention, and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law. The State did not cease to be a State, nor her citizens to be citizens of the Union.


The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States.

So, back atcha neocons: if you don’t support this country, you’re a traitor. If you talk secession, you’re  a traitor. If you believe that the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many…or the one (reverse copyright: Spock), you’re a traitor. Start being part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Stop being cut ‘n runners, and work for the greater good. Sure, it’s hard to figure out how to fix everything right now; but that’s what Americans are known for! The saying isn’t, “Good old-fashioned Norwegian know-how,” is it? (No offense to Norwegians) It’s American know-how!

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