My Letter to Tim Pawlenty (MN Gov)


There is no polite way to say this, so I’ll just come right out and say it: You are an asshole. You have no desire to do ANYTHING that benefits the people of Minnesota. The only person you care about is yourself. Your narcissism and endless self-promotion is sickening, and the only amusing thing is that you are – and always will be – an inconsequential blip on the Presidential election scene. People outside of Minnesota don’t even know who you are, and people inside Minnesota can’t wait to be rid of you.

Your latest insane rhetoric about doing everything possible to stop HCR is an indication of why you’ve reached the end of the line politically. In case you were unaware, HCR was passed by the Congress of the United States. That means – since you don’t seem to understand – that our duly-elected representatives voted to enact this legislation. Which means it’s law. Which means that you have to follow it. Which means that you don’t get to make unilateral decisions to ignore or subvert it. That’s called DEMOCRACY, a concept with which you seem to be unfamiliar.

Your pathetic “administration” is on its way out. Quit trying to do more damage to the State of Minnesota. You’ve already managed to drown us in debt, kill our poorest citizens by denying them healthcare, ruin our formerly top-rated educational system, and bring down the quality of living for all but the richest Minnesotans. Why don’t you quit while you’re behind, do the honorable (another term that people with Anti-social Personality Disorder are unfamiliar with) thing, and resign your office now. It’s the only way for you to leave the office with any dignity.

Very Sincerely,


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