Author: SavageDem

Words of Wisdom

I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny…

The Things You Learn as an Election Judge

Sitting at the polling place for 141/2 hours did, however, give me an opportunity to converse quite a bit with my fellow election judges. What an eye-opener! I found out many things:

  • Health care is just fine in the U.S. – if you can afford it – so we should stop trying to make it so “socialist.” Especially because there was this one person from Poland who said that their universal health care was OK most of the time, but he knew a woman who died from breast cancer because she had to wait a month for a mammogram.
  • ACORN has been changing elections with their wicked ways.
  • The “Big Bang” theory is ridiculous. God created the Universe.
  • If you fill a write-in vote with a non-existent candidate then your entire ballot should be discarded.
  • The Internet is funded entirely by pornography.
  • The United States is a Christian nation, blessed specifically by God in the Bible.
  • People in the U.S. don’t care about life any more because of the millions and millions of babies we kill every year with abortions.

The Governor Who Wasn’t There

Minnesotans continue to confound me with whom they elect. For a supposedly “liberal” state, we come across looking like the rednecks of the North. It’s been apparent from the beginning that Li’l Timmy Pawlenty was more interested in his own…

More Lies from John Kline

(following is an editorial from the Savage Pacer of 2009-08-29) It troubles me that John Kline is given the bully pulpit of “Guest Commentator” to spread neocon propaganda. His continual rants against the Obama administration’s policies distort truth and ignore…


It’s official! The MN Supreme Court has just released their unanimous ruling affirming the appellate court’s decision that Al Franken is Minnesota’s newest U.S. Senator! “The question presented on appeal is whether the trial court erred in concluding that Al…